Dr. Dia Bryant and Dr. Kevin Bryant
Context Matters Strategy Group
In today’s evolving workforce, Gen Z and Gen Alpha are redefining expectations and setting boundaries. They demand faster feedback, clearer outcomes, and work that is significant and purpose-driven. We’ve defined their demands as an invitation to an emerging Renaissance Leadership. We see this as an opportunity to blend and braid timeless leadership principles with modern demands that allow anyone to effectively lead a diverse, multigenerational team.
Command and control is out.
Collaborative iteration is in.
With four generations in the workforce, each bringing its own strengths, values, work habits, and expectations to the workplace, traditional leaders who love titles and hierarchy are meeting significant challenges. There is a hidden diversity that we have yet to openly discuss. The hidden nature of the human experience in a more automated and isolated world reinforces paracosm on teams, antiquated groupthink, and distorted visions of the future within organizations.
There is a Renaissance in progress. And as with all change, if we fail to internalize the ever-shifting context, our individual and collective bottom line will be impacted.
Context matters.
A Renaissance Leader sees the field and the potential plays from a variety of perspectives. They intentionally focus on perpetual learning of their environment with a focus on consistently integrating high quality information with diverse perspectives; fostering innovation through continuous learning and strategic collaboration. Renaissance Leaders empower teams by harnessing the distinct and discrete talent of humans to accelerate a team’s performance through intergenerational collaboration.
Renaissance Leaders de-prioritize hierarchy in service of their mission - creating environments where shared leadership thrives, and ideas are refined through collaborative iteration and shared responsibility.
Renaissance Leaders are Principled:
All things can be unlearned, and anyone can learn new things at any time.
By deeply understanding myself, I can make an impact on others.
Diverse ideas create the best strategies and products.
Vision drives the people and sustains the work.
Inclusive execution creates dimension and creates measurable outcomes.
We have spent significant time thinking about this idea, designing learning experiences, and examining if there is space for Renaissance Leadership across several sectors.
We think it’s time to talk about it.